為何選擇 MyHappii | Why Us?
Enjoying fresh, organic food
"A Better Treat, A Better Life", this is the motto for us to keep improving our recipes better every single day, to help all breeds of dogs to sustain a healthy life with quality fresh-made and designated recipes.
With professional nutritionists team, all our recipes have reacheds AAFCO and NRC Guidelines, maintinaing a high nutritional levels of fresh food for canine.

【Trial Packs 試食包 】
🔥 熱賣推介 Out Hottest Picks 🔥

鮮食概念 🍴
📌 100% 本港製造新鮮狗狗鮮食 🇭🇰
📌 不含任何人工色素 添加劑 和防腐劑
📌由我們的營養團隊致力研究最優質鮮食給狗狗 🦮

澳洲 | 美國營養團隊合作研製
符合 ARC Guidelines | AAFCO | FEDIAF 指標